Monday, 12 December 2016


#StokerScore 4/10

I think there was a time when an actor's name was enough to sell a movie. It's a bit like buying branded goods at the supermarket compared to the supermarket's own-label product, you just have a feeling that what you're getting is going to be better quality. But some own-brands are actually made by the same company whose quality product sits side-by-side on the shelf with its competitor. So what and who do you trust any more?

Well, if you see a movie title, say something like Incarnate compared with a poster saying Incarnate starring Aaron Eckhart, you're probably more likely to watch the second one because you remember how good he was in The Dark Knight and Thank You for Not Smoking. But then you'd go and remember the twoddle that was I, Frankenstein and Olympus/London Has Fallen. But then you'd think again and say that he was good enough to carry off that moustache in Sully so surely it wouldn't be that bad, would it? and all of a sudden you'd be in some sort of Mobius loop....

...this was how I ended up at the cinema, convinced by this argument and an interesting trailer. 

 Was the movie all bad? No, not really. The general concensus is that when it comes to religion the guy is a non-denominational exorcist. If you think about that it's actually surprising that it has never been done before. But it's also a bit of a lie, too. Eckhart's character is also wheelchair-bound, so that's also a bit different. The scares are generally ok but the mechanics and rules on which the movie tries to base itself are sometimes too silly.

I think as a one hour episode of a tv show it would have been better than what it turned out to be as a movie. Even with a novel premise, the movie was predictable and you just can't really forgive that.

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